
Easier, safer, more convenient!

Connecting your home is no longer a futuristic idea! En Kontrol has the brands and expertise to make it all come together.

Home Automation allows users to control electrical appliances from light switches to security systems from a smartphone. With added security and easier day  to  day living, home automation is a key element in the homes of the future.

With several processors working in tandem, the B.One Hub uses state-of-the-art technology for its sensors, making it easily configurable and usable. Wireless sirens and strobe lights will activate, alerting the owner, agent or builder in an instance of a security breach.The B.One Hub allows you to monitor and control the energy output of a smart home, making the house more energy efficient. This will save homeowners several times over in energy bills.

Manage Everything

Energy efficiency is one of the main perks of having a smart home, helping you see your energy usage and save hundreds on your energy bills.

Auto Control
Motion Sensor
Heating Plan
Outdoor CCTV

Recent Residential Projects

En Kontrol offers custom and affordable smart solutions for every home! 💡
From entertainment solutions, home security, energy efficiency and more; your smart home solution is tailor-made by our experts to suit your lifestyle and needs.
Castle cove luxury home
Oran Park Motorised curtains job
Townsville Small office

Turn your homes into Smart homes

From smart lighting design, climate and shade control, audio and video distribution throughout the property to integrated security cameras and systems.

The team of experts at Automated Innovation will help you design a custom solution to fit your home and lifestyle perfectly.

Recent Project Gallery

Some of our recent projects we have successfully delivered to our clients.